Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Ms. Sumathy S.
M.Sc., M.Phil., SET
Department of
Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Software Engineering
Advanced Java programming
Information Security
Data Mining
Web Technology
Research Projects
Journal Publications
Conference Presentations
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Attended a 3 month Sun Certified Java Program conducted by Digiteratti on campus.
Attended "Fuzzy Logic and Android", Organised by Department of Computer Science and Electronic Science, JBBAS, January 2015.
Attended "Network and Security Workshop" Under ISEA-Phase-II Project, Organized by NIELIT, Chennai.
Attended a Faculty Development Program on "Digital and its future Impacts" on July 2017, conducted by Cognizant Technologies Services, Chennai .
Attended "A Skill building Program OORJA" Organised by Microsoft, March 2018.
Other Achievements
Chess Player, First Prize in the competitions conducted at UG Level.
Rank Holder in B.Sc. Computer Science.