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Ms. Kalyani K. N.

M.A., M.Phil.

Department of 


Professor Emeritus

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:


Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:



  • Developmental Issues

  • Macro Economics

Research Projects

  1. A study of the Socio Economic Profile of Slums in Chennai City, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2001-02.

  2. A study of the Socio Economic Profile of Slums in Chennai City, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2004-05.

  3. A Study on the Status of Elderly in India, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2006-07.

Journal Publications

  1. Co-author of a Chapter on Measurement of Economic Welfare for a book on ‘Applied Welfare Economics’, Emerald Publishers, 1996

  2. Co authored 'A Text Book on International Economics' Sultan Chand , New Delhi 2004

  3. Co-author of Article on “Life of the Elderly – An Interstate Comparison”, published in International Academic Journal of Applied Economics in November 2012. Vol 3. ISSN 2229-564.

Conference Presentations

  1. Presented a paper on “Some observations on select Macroeconomic Aggregates in India” in the National Seminar on Macroeconomics organized by Ethiraj College, Chennai 11-12 March 2011

  2. Presented a paper titled “Life of the Elderly – An Interstate Comparison” in the National Seminar on "Economic Growth, Poverty and Human Development" conducted by Madras University School of Economics (Department of Economics and Econometrics), University of Madras, Chennai sponsored by UGC-SAP and Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission held on 6th February, 2008

  3. Presented a Paper on ‘Inter District Disparities in Tamil Nadu – Some Observations’ in UGC sponsored national level seminar on “Development Divide” organized by Stella Maris College, Chennai, held on 13-14, Dec. 2006

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended


Other Achievements

  1. Chair person for Technical Session on ‘Accelerating Agricultural Growth and Development in Tamil Nadu’ in the state level seminar on “Tamil Nadu Economy in 2020 – Potentials and challenges ” held on 19.2.2009.

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