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Ms. Jayanthi S.

M.A(Eng), MA(JMC), M.Phil., (Ph.D.)

Department of 


Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:



  • Black Women Writers

  • Afro-American

  • Indian Writing

  • British Literature

  • Journalism

  • Communication Skills

  • Diaspora Literature

Research Projects

Journal Publications

  1. "Memoir of Jung Chang and Amy Tan- A Comparative Study. in. Contemporaneity of Language Literature in the Robotized Millennium" Vol:1(3),2019 REST Publisher ISBN: 978-81-936097-3-6 website:

  2. Translation as Socio –Cultural Documentation in Rajam Krishnan’s “Lamps in the Whirlpool”. Volume 19:1 January 2019,ISSN 1930-2940.

  3. The Voice of the Voiceless in the Works of Amy Tan” in the One Day International Conference on Radiance of Feminism in the Multidiscipinary Researches", Vol 4.Special issue 7, March 2018. ISSN 2349-8684 Impact Factor 3.487.l.Pg -47-50 in Roots, UGC Approved Journal no: 48991,International Journal of Contemporary Society’.

  4. Edited, 'The Changing Contours of English Language and Literature.’ Allied Publishers, 2017.ISBN 978-93-85926-66-2.

  5. A Perspective on the Maternal Differential Treatment in Beloved and The BoneSetter’s Daughter’ was Published In Bodhi -International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and science, UGC Approved Journal 44274.An Online Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Quarterly Journal, Vol 1 Special Issue 15, July 2017, ISSN 2456-5571,Impact actor 1.014.Pg 107-111.

  6. Empowerment of Women in Amy Tan’s Selected Works’ was published in VEI International Journal of Social sciences, June 2017,Vol:04,Issue:03 ISSN:2394- 1316.Pg 102-106.

  7. " A Brief study on the Culture, Myth and Symbols used in the Novel The Kitchen God’s Wife” in Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches,Vol-3 , special issue February 2017 , ISSN 2349-8684,Impact Factor 0.811,Pg-. 104-107.

  8. "A Transnational Perspective on the Issues of Migration’ in the International Conference on Transnational Approach to Literature Studies" in Anna Adarsh College for Women Chennai on 27 and 28 January 2016 with ISBN 978-8193086-81-0. Pg 122-127

  9. Paradigms of Consciousness Chapter titled “Discourse and Identity in the Novel A Home in Tibet" Editor Dr.ShanthiChitra, Published by Subhanjali Prakashan Kanpur,2015. Price 230. ISBN 978-93-83538-45-4. Pg 85-91.

  10. “Discourse and Identity in the Novel ‘A Home in Tibet" in Paradigms of Consciousness a National Seminar organized by the Department of English, SRM University with ISBN 978-93-83538-45-4Pg No 85-91.

  11. Published a paper titled “Shakespeare for Posterity “ in the International Conference on “Shakespeare – The Quintessential Zeitgeist” conducted by M.G.R. University,18th -20th August 2014 with ISSN.

  12. Published “Subliminal Perceptions in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake” in Synchronizing the Cognitive Perception and Emotional Response to Indian Literature in English by PG and Research Department of English, Auxillium College, BRBS Consortium,Palayamkottai. ISBN 978-81-923897-9-0.

  13. Paper published in International Conference on "Outcome Based Teaching and Learning of English, Titled “Methodology adopted in the Learning process” in Anna University Chennai.ISBN:978-81-909269-4-2.

  14. “Relevance of Dickens’s writings to the Present Generation” published by Alagappa Govt. Arts and Science College Karaikudi 3 ISBN NO;978-81-910738-4-3

  15. “Higher Learning Communication Process"- was published in the Magazine brought out by The Dept. of Commerce, Management and Corporate Secretaryship, Patrician College of Arts & Science, Adyar, Chennai on 5th March 2011. ISBN: 978-81-88331-19-8.

  16. "Punya Bhoomi" - A Quarterly of English Literature and Language With a slant to Indian Etos and Values published “Chekhovian Love of Identity in Anita Desai’s Journey to Ithaca Volume 1 no 4Sep 2010 ISSN;0975-8623 ..

  17. “Buddhist Doctrines in Teaching -Learning Process" was published on 2nd February 2011 in the souvenir brought out by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Adhiparasakthi College of Arts & Science, Kalavai, Vellore.

  18. “Chekhovian Love of Identity in Anita Desai’s Journey to Ithaca” was published in Punya Bhoomi-A Quarterly of English Literature and Language with a slant to Indian Ethos and Values. Volume I, Number 4 ,September 2010. ISSN :0975-8623.

  19. My paper titled “E-Learning & Virtual Learning through Wilfred Owen’s “Strange Meeting” was published in “The Journal of English Language Teaching of India” in the Aug- Sep ‘2007 issue.

  20. Contributed two books brought by the Dept “Language Skills for English Enhancement” for the first semester and “English for Communication” for the second semester.

  21. "Editor of Tattoo", Department Magazine for the year 2010.

  22. Co-Editor of "Inhousesamachar" Meenakshi College For Women Newsletter.

Conference Presentations

  1. Presented a paper titled “Culture and Identity in Yone Noguchi’s fiction through ‘Cause and Effect’ theory in the One Day International Seminar on Emerging Trends in Literature in English on 11.12.14.

  2. Presented a paper titled “Managing Mixed Ability Classes in a Dynamic Environment” in the Fourth International and 40th ELTAI Conference Conducted by SIET College from 7th to 9th of August 2009.

  3. Presented a paper titled “Defining the Ethos of Literature and Culture in the New Millennium as reflected in Bapsi Sidwa’s novel “An American Brat”, in the International Conference conducted by Ethiraj College for Women in Association with U.S. Consulate General – Chennai India on 12th and 13th March 2009.

  4. Presented a paper on ‘An Approach to Teach English Language through Knowledge, Discovery and Data Mining Process’ in the International Conference on Empowering the English Language Learner - Materials, Methods and Testing organised by Department of English, Anna University on 23,24 and 25 March 2017.

  5. Presented a paper titled ‘Knowing and Doing: An Innovative Technique to teach English Language’ in the International Conference on Current Trends in ELT:A Global Perspective on 28 July 2017 in Government Arts College (Aut) Salem.

  6. Presented a paper titled “Discourse and Identity in the Novel ‘A Home in Tibet’ in Paradigms of Consciousness: Readings Perceptions and Sentivities, National Seminar organized by the Department of English, SRM University on 22-23 September 2014.

  7. Presented a paper titled “The influence of Greek Drama on Japanese culture – A Study” in the National Level Seminar on Law and Justice in Western Drama organised by the Dept of English (Aided) in Kongunadu Arts and Science College on 15 Sep 2012.

  8. Presented a paper titled “Relevance of Dickens’s writings to the Present Generation” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Writings of Robert Browning and Charles Dickens in commemoration of their Bicentenary year on 1 Sep 2012 by Alagappa Govt .Arts College.

  9. Presented a paper titled “English for Effective Communication ’- in the Its National conference organized by The Dept. of English,S.R.M University in collaboration with English Language Teachers Association of India (ELTAI) in Kattankulathur Kancheepuram District Tamilnadu on 25th March 2011.

  10. Presented a paper titled Methodology, Analyzation, Production (MAP) – An Approach to English Language Communication - UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching March 2011

  11. Presented a paper titled “Higher Learning Communication Process’- in the National Seminar on” Transformation, Adaptation, and Sustainability torwards a Brighter Future…” organized by Kaleidoscope The Dept. of Commerce, Management and Corporate Secretaryship, Decennial celebrations in Patrician College of Arts & Science, Adyar, Chennai on 5th March 2011.

  12. Presented a paper titled “Buddhist Doctrines in Teaching -Learning Process” in the NAAC Sponsored State Level Seminar on “Innovative Approaches in Teaching Learning Process” Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell ,Adhiparasakthi College of Arts & Science, Kalavai, Vellore. on 2nd to 3rd of February 2011.

  13. Presented a paper titled “Literature in Language Teaching” in the National Seminar on “Teaching of General and Technical English” Conducted by Department of English, Anna University Chennai from 5th to 6th of February 2010.

  14. Presented a paper titled “A Journey of Love towards Self Fulfilling” as portrayed by Bapsi Sidhwa and Anita Desai in the National Level Seminar on Comparative Literature conducted by the Department of English, P.K.R.Arts College For Women in Gobichettipalayam(affiliated to Bharathiar University on Sep16th 2009.

  15. Participated on “Women Empowering Women’s Rights” at Nesamony Memorial Christian College on Empowerment of Women, on11th Sep, 2009.

  16. Presented a paper titled “Cultural Difference Impact Literary Appreciation is best understood while Interpreting the values imbibed within the novel ‘The Way of the Samurai' by Eiji Yoshikawa in Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts and Science College for Women on 4th and 5th Feb 2009.

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended Orientation Course conducted by Academic Staff College sponsored by UGC,2010.

  2. Attended a training program "Train The Trainers(TTT)" conducted by Consortium Members of CII and University of Madras on August 2007- Confederation of Indian Industry.

  3. Participated in the one day Faculty Development Programme " A Sound Lead", conducted by Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women on July 12, 2014

  4. Participated in the UGC Sponsored Orientation Course (General) conducted for Batch 99 by the UGC Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai- 5 held from 09.11.10 to 08.12.10 and obtained Grade “A”.

  5. Participated in the English Language Teaching Workshop on Speaking Skills, on Feb 2009 at British Council.

  6. Participated on “Women Empowering Women’s Rights” at Nesamony Memorial Christian College on Empowerment of Women, on11th Sep, 2009.

  7. Participated in the UGC Sponsored equivalent to Refresher Course on Disaster Management (Multidisciplinary Subjects) from 11.11.2014 to 01.12.2014 Conducted by the Academic Staff College, University of Madras and obtained Grade.’A’.

  8. Workshop on Administrative Reforms at Meenakshi College for Women on 7 April 2015

  9. Workshop on Examination Reforms at Meenakshi College for Women on 16 April 2015

  10. Workshop on Curricular Reforms at Meenakshi College for Women on 31 May 2015

  11. Workshop on” The Art of Storytelling” conducted by British Council on 5 February 2015.

  12. International Workshop entitled Bridging The Achievement Gap For Students With Special Learning Needs on 7th of February, 2015 at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women.

  13. One Day Workshop on ‘Curricular Reforms’ at Meenakshi College for Women on 31.03.15

  14. International Conference on ‘Imaging and Imagining Literatures and Cultures: India, Canada and Latvia’ on 29 November 2016 in JBAS with Centre for Canadian Studies and the Department of English, University of Madras.

  15. National Seminar on “Quality Higher Education -2017” on April 28th and 29th 2017 organised by the Internal Quality Cell, Sathyabama University.

  16. Attended Refresher course from 02.11.2017 to 23.11.2017 in UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Madras.

  17. National Conference on ‘The Art of Fiction held on 1 February, 2018 by Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women.

  18. Post –Centenary Diamond Jubilee International Conference “Resisting Hegemony and Centre :Narratives of Australia, Canada and New Zealand” conducted by the Department of English, University of Madras on 20 and 21 February 2018.

  19. One Day Faculty Development Programme on ’Teaching Learning and Speaking’ jointly organized by the Department of English, MNM Jain Engineering College and Department of English, Anna University on 28 July 2018.

  20. One Day Faculty Development Program on Contemporary Literature organized by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, T.Nagar, Chennai on 2 Nov 2018.

  21. Two day National Level Workshop on” Mechanics of Thesis Writing” organized by Centre for Research and Development and Research Forum, DRBCCC ,Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai on 16 and 17 November 2018.

  22. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation at Meenakshi College for Women, Chennai on 02.02.2019.

  23. Workshop Titled ‘Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21stCentury’ on 30April 2019 organised by the Department of English at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Vandalur,Chennai-48.


Other Achievements

  1. Completed P.G.D.C.E

  2. Lions Club International awarded Best President Par Excellence Award for the Lionistic Year 2013-2014.

  3. Milestone Chevron Award for completing 10 years as a Lion in the month of October 2017.

  4. Editor of Tattoo, Department Magazine for the year 2010,2017.

  5. Co-Editor ‘Inhousesamachar’ the college newsletter from 2011 upto 2014 ( biannual newsletter).

  6. Editor ‘Inhouse samachar’ the college newsletter from 2014 till date (biannual newsletter).

  7. Assisted in organising a One Day National Symposium on Translation: Pitfalls and Profundities Meenakshi College for Women on 19.08.2010.

  8. Assisted in organising an International Seminar on Threshold 2013-Changing Ethical Perception in Literature, Society and Politics on 18.02.2013.

  9. Assisted in Organising a Two Day International Seminar on 'The Changing Contours of English Language and Literature’ at Meenakshi College for Women on 07.09.16 and 08.08.16.

  10. Microsoft Innovative Educator(MIE) at Meenakshi College for Women, Chennai on 19.12.2018.

  11. Completed Swayam ARPIT Online Annual Refresher Programme in English Language Teaching in March 2019 conducted by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

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