Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Ms. Geethasaranya R.
M.A., M.Phil.
Department of
Assistant Professor
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Developmental Economics
Entrepreneurial Development
Research Projects
Journal Publications
Conference Presentations
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Attended Workshop on “Advance Teaching, Learning, Research Methodology and Innovation” conducted by ST. FRANCIS DE SALES COLLEGE (2021).
Attended Workshop on “Sustainable Soil Resources”, Conducted by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Deemed University Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India an International Multi-Disciplinary online conference on 22nd -25th April 2021.
Attended workshop on “Learning Statistics and Data Analysis Using Ms Excel “conducted by, Prof.Dr.K. Marimuthu on 28-30 April 2021.
Attended workshop on “Learning Statistics and Data Analysis Using SPSS” conducted by, Prof.Dr.K. Marimuthu on 1-3 May2021.
Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology for Social Sciences”, conducted by Indian Institute of Management and Commerce on 17th, 18th and 19th May 2021.