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Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Ms. Divya P. A.
M.A., M.Phil.
Department of
Assistant Professor
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Money and Banking
Indian Economy
Research Projects
Journal Publications
Conference Presentations
Presented a paper titled on Pricing in Public Utility Undertaking in National Students Seminar On Economics And Politics at Crossroad Conducted by Ethiraj college for women,chennai.
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Attended national level workshop on advance time series econometrics held by stella maris college for women, chennai
Attended Research methodology workshop for m.phil scholars organized department of economics, university of madras, Chennai.
Attended national symposium on urbanization of india – a game changer ? organized by Loyola college, Chennai.
Completed certification courses in econometrics in Ethiraj college for women, Chennai.
Other Achievements
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