Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Dr. Meenakshi Lakshmanan
M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Department of
Computer Science
Assistant Professor & HoD
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Natural Language Processing
Algorithmic Design and Analysis
Object-Oriented Methodologies
Unified Modeling Language
Programming with C++
Computer Graphics
Research Projects
Journal Publications
“A New Computational Schema for Euphonic Conjunctions in Sanskrit Processing” Dr. N. Rama and Meenakshi Lakshmanan, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 5, 2009, (ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814), pp 43-51.
“A Computational Algorithm for Metrical Classification of Verse”, Dr. N. Rama and Meenakshi Lakshmanan, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7,Issue 2,No.1, March 2010, (ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814), pp 46-53.
“An Algorithm Based on Empirical Methods, for Text-to-Tuneful-Speech Synthesis of Sanskrit Verse”, Dr. N. Rama and Meenakshi Lakshmanan, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.10 No.1, January 2010,(ISSN: 1738-7906), pp 281-288.
“A Computational Algorithm based on Empirical Analysis, that Composes Sanskrit Poetry”, Dr. N. Rama and Meenakshi Lakshmanan, IJCSIS International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2010, (ISSN : 1947-5500), pp 56-62.
“A Binary schema and Computational Algorithms to Process Vowel-based Euphonic Conjunctions for Word Searches” Kasmir Raja S. V., Rajitha V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 9, Number 20 (2014), ISSN 0973-4562, pp. 7127-7142
“Computational Algorithms Based on the Paninian System to Process Euphonic Conjunctions for Word Searches”, Rajitha V., Kasmir Raja S. V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 12, No. 8, 2014, ISSN 1947-5500, pp 64- 76
“An Ontology for Comprehensive Tutoring of Euphonic Conjunctions of Sanskrit Grammar”, Rajitha V., Kasmir Raja S. V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 124 No 4 September, 2014, ISSN 1450-216X/1450-202X, pp.460-467
“Computational model to generate case-inflected forms of masculine nouns for word search in Sanskrit E-Text” Kasmir Raja S. V., Rajitha V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, Journal of Computer Science (10) 11: 22-60 – 2268, 2014 ISSN 1549-3636
"Computational Algorithms for Deep and Shallow word search in Sanskrit with Case-Inflected Forms of Feminine and Neuter Nouns", Rajitha V., Suganya R., Meenakshi Lakshmanan International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN 2277-3878, Volume - 8 Issue - 4, November 2019, Page 3085 - 3094
Conference Presentations
“A Deterministic Algorithm for Improved Sanskrit Text Parsing and Segmentation through Approximate String Matching”, Dr. N. Rama & Meenakshi Lakshmanan, International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Loyola College, Chennai, 5 & 6 January, 2009. (Also published in the Conference Proceedings.)
“A GIS Solution for Tracking and Analysis of Public Transport”, Dr. N. Rama & Meenakshi Lakshmanan, International Conference on Digitalizing Administration: Challenges and Issues in E-Governance, Presidency College, Chennai, March 2008.
“A Computational Approach to Euphonic Conjunctions in Sanskrit : the Fourier Connection”, Dr. Rama N. and Meenakshi Lakshmanan, Proceedings of ICISSE International Conference on Information Systems and Software Engineering 2009, Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai.
“Semantic Network for a novel ontology for sandhi tutoring in Sanskrit”, Rajitha V., Kasmir Raja S. V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2015, pp. 48-5
"Survey and Analysis of Computing for Sanskrit related to text search and tutoring Ontologies”, Rajitha V., Kasmir Raja S. V., Meenakshi Lakshmanan, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2015, pp. 9-16
Presented Paper at ACM Compute on "Academic Progress Monitoring System - An aid to developing effective curricula and pedagogy" at International Centre Goa, October 2019 and was awarded as Best abstract - Invited Talks.
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Short term training course on “Library Automation and Resource Sharing” conducted by INSDOC (Indian Scientific Documentation Centre), CSIR, Madras from December 11 – 15, 2000.
Certificate Course in Linux, TransEd Software Education, Chennai, Dec 2001.
National level seminar on “Leadership Development Programme for Principals of Colleges on IT for Development and Management of Colleges”, conducted by Indian Colleges Forum in the December 2002 at New Delhi.
ICCS 2005 – 7th International Conference on Cognitive Systems – “Self-Organization and Cognitive Systems” conducted by NIIT, New Delhi, December 2005.
“Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML with Fundamentals of Rational Rose”, IBM, Chennai, Dec 2005.
“AIX 5L Basics”, IBM, Bangalore, Apr 2006.
“Programming with MATLAB”, Mathworks, Bangalore, Apr 2010.
Attended seminar on “Digitalizing Library” conducted by Univeristy of Madras,2011.
Attended Orientation course conducted by Academic Staff College, University of Madras, December 2012.
Attended seminar by Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University titled “Multiple Intelligences”, organized by IIT Madras,2012.
Attended Security Summit 2013, Summit organized by Dept. of Electronics & IT, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.
Attended SPSS Workshop, Organized by Institute of Statistics and Analytical Research, Chennai,2013.
Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in “Computer Science”,2014.
Attended “Network and Security Workshop” Under ISEA-Phase-II Project, Organized by NIELIT, Chennai,2016.
Attended Refresher Course at UGC Academic Staff College titled “Education and Education Technology” University of Madras, February 2018.
Attended “A Skill building Program OORJA” Organized by Microsoft, March 2018.
Attended a workshop “Adoption, Promotion and Production of MOOCs” on Swayam platform, conducted by UGC, at Hyderabad, August 2018.
Attended a workshop “Autonomy to Colleges; Benefits and Way Forward” Organized by University Grants Commission at Hyderabad, February 2019.
Attended a “Stakeholders Workshop on AICTE Approval Process” organized by AICTE in February 2019.
Attended NPTEL Course on “Artificial Intelligence: Search Methods for Problem Solving” and completed the course conducted by NPTEL - AICTE and MHRD from July 2019 to October 2019.
Attended NPTEL Course on “Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning” and completed the course with Performance graded as "ELITE+SILVER" Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in collaboration with SWAYAM funded by MHRD from August 2019 to October 2019.
Attended NPTEL Course on “Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning” and completed the course conducted by NPTEL - AICTE with MHRD from August 2019 to October 2019.
Conducted National Level Seminar on “Cyber Security”,2019.
Attended FDP on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Using Python” Organized by Finland Labs Association with National Social Summit, IIT Roorkee from 18th May to 22nd May 2020.
Attended FDP on “Block Chain” Organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Coordinated with National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya from 5th Oct 2020 to 9th Oct 2020.
Attended FDP on “Indian Knowledge Systems in Contemporary Education & Practices” with Performance graded as A+, An Initiative of Department of Contemplative and Behavioral Sciences (DCBS) Sri University, Cuttack (Odisha) in Collaboration with Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE) UGC-HRDC, Delhi University Supported by ICSSR and AICTE from 5th November 2020 to 19th November 2020.
Attended FDP on “Quantum Computing” Organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Coordinated with Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from 23rd November 2020 to 27th November 2020.
Attended NPTEL Course on “Artificial Intelligence: Search Methods for Problem Solving” and completed the course with Performance graded as "ELITE" Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in collaboration with SWAYAM funded by MHRD,2020.
Attended Workshop on “ML & AI Using Covid-19 Virus Data Analysis” Organized by Finland Labs Association with National Social Summit, IIT Roorkee from 1st May 2020 to 2nd May 2020.
Attended workshop on “Blockchain Technology” Organized by Finland Labs Association with National Social Summit, IIT Roorkee from 11th May 2020 to 15th May 2020.
Other Achievements
M.Venkatraman Prize for Best Performance in the ICSE Examinations, class X.
Hinduja Foundation Prize for the Best Achiever of Class XII.
Head Girl of the school, class XII.
Miller Medal for the best outgoing student of The Women’s Christian College.
Edith Coon Science Prize for the Physical Sciences, Women’s Christian College.
Alice Barnabas Junior Mathematics Prize – I Year, B.Sc. Mathematics, Women’s Christian College.
S. Kavitha Mathematics Prize – II Year, B.Sc. Mathematics, Women’s Christian College.
Arulmani Manuel Senior Mathematics Prize – III Year, B.Sc. Mathematics, Women’s Christian College.
Student representative for the Sciences in the Academic Council of The Women’s Christian College.
Academic Proficiency Prize for all three years, M.C.A., Meenakshi College for Women.
Was a member of the Board of Studies in Mathematics, Women’s Christian College (Autonomous), Chennai, for one term from 2004 - 2006.
Invited Expert Member of the Staff Selection Committee, Department of Computer Science, Women’s Christian College (Autonomous), Chennai.
Invited speaker to address students of Women’s Christian College as a distinguished alumna of the college.
University appointed external examiner for Practical and Theory Examinations – PG Level.
Under the auspices of Samskrita Bhasha Parcarini Sabha, Chittoor, have completed up to Samarta level examination. Currently pursuing level 5, kovida.
Contributed as resource person in the following capacities
Was a Member of Board of Studies in Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College,2004 – 2006.
University appointed External Examiner for Practical and Theory Examinations – PG Level.
Was a Member of Staff Selection Committee in Department of Computer Science, Women’s Christian College, 2008.
Member, International Program Committee, 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition & Applications (MLPRA) 2013, Helsinki, Finland.
Member of Academic Council, University of Madras,2015.
Reviewer in the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT),2016-2017.
Reviewer in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,2019-2020.
Editor, Proceedings of ICPRAT 2013
Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Techniques 2013, Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN No.: 978-1-25-905849-3
Research Consultancy
Member, International Program Committee, 4th International Workshop on Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition & Applications (MLPRA) 2013, Helsinki, Finland.
In-house Software Projects undertaken:
Examinations Software Package - Adhyaksha: This is a web-based application developed entirely by the faculty of the Department of Computer Science, to manage the workflow at the Office of the Controller of Examinations. It facilitates easy and effective maintenance of and access to critical information. It maintains repositories of versions of syllabi. It helps to easily generate nominal rolls and to keep track of student results. It makes the recording of Internal Assessment marks easier and consistent. It generates Result Sheets and Mark Sheets after examinations.It seamlessly maintains critical workflow processes.
Online Examination – Pariksha: This is a web application that allows students to take tests online. Tests may be set by the tutor, and the students are authenticated with a username and password before they can take the test. Results are available for publishing immediately.
Admissions Package: This is an admissions management tool used for the admissions for the entire college.
College Website : A website to provide information about the college and courses, with a glimpse of the infrastructure and other state of art facilities in the campus, with mail login for the authorized members.
TC Utility: The TC of all students in the college is printed using this software package.
IQAC Quality Assurance System - Academic Progress monitoring System, Year Wise Student Progress Monitoring, Student Arrear Monitoring, Remedial Classes Performance Monitoring, Departments and Faculty Appraisal System