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Dr. Majitha Parvin

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Department of 


Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Laser Technology

  • Nano Materials

  • Nonlinear Optics

Research Projects

Journal Publications

  1. Majitha Parvin, U & Basheer Ahamed, M, 2014, "Investigation of Optical limiting properties of Azophloxine dye using nanosecond Z-scan technique", International journal of Chemtech Research, vol. 6, no. 4. pp. 2493.

  2. Majitha Parvin, U & Basheer Ahamed, M, 2014, “Third order optical nonlinearities and optical limiting effect of Xylidine ponceau dye in liquid medium by Z-scan technique”, Journal of Optoelectronics and advanced materials, vol. 16, no. 9-10. pp. 10881-1092. (Impact Factor 0.52).

  3. Majitha Parvin, U & Basheer Ahamed, M, 2015, ‘Nonlinear optical properties of Methyl blue dye by Z-scan technique’, OPTIK, vol. 126, pp. 551-553. (Impact Factor 0.769).

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. 139th Orientation Programme conducted by University of Madras held from 15-11-2019 to 05-12-2019.

  2. One week Faculty Development Program on “Research methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS” organized by Department of Management Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman University held during 13-19th July, 2017.

  3. Science Academies Refresher course on Quantum Mechanics organized by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, National Academy of Sciences of India, Allahabad and Department of Physics, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai from 28th November to 10th December 2016.

  4. Two days Faculty development Program on Creative Thinking conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu held at B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai during 19th to 20th January 2016.

  5. Winter Workshop in Physics organised by Department of Physics and Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras during December 16-20, 2013.

  6. XXVIIII Refresher course in Experimental Physics organized by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, National Academy of Sciences of India, Allahabad and Department of Physics, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai from 5th to 20th June 2012.

  7. Short Course on Crystal growth and Characterisation of Laser Materials conducted by Indian Laser Association at Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai on Jan 7 and 8, 2012.

  8. Self Supporting Skill Development Programme organized by Women Empowerment Cell and National Service Scheme held on 9th Oct 2010.

  9. Intensive Training Programme on MATHCAD organized by ISTE Chapter, Crescent Engineering College from 31-03-04 to 01-04-2004.

  10. Course on Materials Science (PH231) conducted by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai-25 from 8th Dec to 12th Dec 2003.


Other Achievements

  1. Topper (Top 2%) in the course Fiber Optics conducted by NPTEL Online Certification (IIT, Roorkee) during Jan-Mar 2017.

  2. Topper (Top 2%) in the course Solid State Physics conducted by NPTEL Online Certification (IIT, Kharagpur) during Jul-Oct 2017.

  3. Received Gold medal in the course Laser : Fundamentals and Applications conducted by NPTEL Online Certification (IIT, Kanpur) during Aug-Oct 2017.

  4. Served as Chairperson in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Functional Materials organized by Department of Physics, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held during Dec 5&6, 2017.

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